Balloons As Effective Promotional Tools

Posted: 17 December 2017

The Rise Of The Promotional Balloon As A Brand Ambassador

Promotional balloons have always been an effective promotional product

But now, they seem to be bigger than ever. It could be the explosion of colours, styles, shapes and printing capabilities now available that has seen them surge in popularity. Once a decorative item, balloons, especially promotional balloons, are being used to make a statement.

Some of the more popular uses for promotional balloons include:

  • Themes. Balloons at themed events are nothing new, but event stylists are getting more and more creative with them. If the event is colour themed, perhaps in the brand or product colours, it’s not unusual for savvy stylists to order large quantities of balloons in the same colour or brand colours, often in different shapes and sizes to great effect.
  • Balloons provide the perfect backdrop and photo opportunity. They are light, economical, easy to install and transport, so it isn’t hard to see why promotional balloons are now included in so many company promotional budgets.
  • Printed balloons can shout a company logo or key message at the entry point, dancing on tables and strung from the ceiling. They make wonderful floating outlines of the staging area. Being light and safe they are easy to install, take down and manage.
  • Promotional balloons are the ideal choice for a point of purchase sale or advertising campaign message. They put the message in front of the audience. Specialty Balloon’s highest quality printing and colour matching will keep the brand guardians happy. Balloons are printed in-house, inks are also matched in-house and you can take advantage of a 4 colour print process. Clear legible messaging is paramount for promotional balloons.

There is simply no room for error with promotional balloons, so be sure to order through a reputable balloon specialist. Specialty Balloons has 30 plus years of experience and are full-service suppliers. We design, supply, print and ship in-house. You’ll receive clear communication about your order and you can rest assured it is quality controlled. The last thing you want are surprises on delivery.

Promotional Balloons are ideal for small businesses and major brands

If you are considering promotional balloons for an event, a promotion, a campaign or installation, be sure to order from balloon specialists with a track record. Specialty Balloons work with businesses of all sizes and major brands across Australia and New Zealand.

Where do I start?

An up to date e-commerce site will give you some idea of the massive depth and breadth of promotional balloons available nowadays. If you have something special in mind, talk to a balloon specialist at Specialty Balloons. They’ll be able to help expand the possibilities in ways you may not have thought of.

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Sea World Resort
Mercedes Benz
Hungry Jacks
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Lorna Jane
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Paradise Country
Sea World
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Big W
Wet n Wild - Gold Coast
David Jones
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