7 Perfect Excuses To Throw A Random Party

Posted: 25 July 2019

Specialty Balloon Printers 7 Perfect Excuses To Throw A Random Party

Parties are fun because you’re surrounded by good food and good people. But the problem with parties is that we usually have to wait for someone’s birthday or anniversary in order to throw one.

Even if there’s nothing monumental going on in your life, why not throw a party anyway? Below are just seven fun reasons why you should get some balloons and decorations together and organise a random party regardless of what’s happening in your life:


1. Break-up Party 

Specialty Balloon Printers Break Up Party

Think anniversaries are the only things worth celebrating? Think again. Not all relationships work out in the end, and sometimes it’s much better for both parties to split than to continue dating. In these cases, a break-up party is definitely a must.

All sorts of fun can be had during a break-up party. For starters, put up those heart latex balloons, and devise your own version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. Only you’re throwing darts at the cheesy hearts and making them explode.


2. Good Riddance Party  

Specialty Balloon Printers Good Riddance Work Party

Saying hello to new things like landing a new job or living in a new city are definitely causes for celebration. But who says you can’t celebrate saying goodbye to bad things too? Whether it’s moving on from a horrible boss to saying goodbye to toxic friends for good, a good riddance party is there to commemorate a new chapter of your life.

The best part? It doesn’t even have to be a big party! Buy a nice bottle of wine, order some awesome pizza, and you already have a party going — even if it’s just you and your TV.


3. Wine and Cheese Party  

Specialty Balloon Printers Wine And Cheese Party

Speaking of wine, why not throw your very own wine and cheese party? Dinner parties can often impose pressure on guests for being too formal. So why not skip the dreadful silence during dinner and fast forward to the best part of it instead?

To make your wine and cheese party more exciting, why not assign each guest with a different kind of cheese or wine? This way, everyone can participate in the party and bring something unique (literally) to the table.


4. Moving Party  

Specialty Balloon Printers Moving Party

Whether it’s moving to a new apartment, city, or country, a move is always a big cause for celebration. Whether it’s with old friends or new neighbours, throwing a moving party is a fantastic way to both commemorate fun memories and pave opportunities for new ones.

Bonus: Why wait until you make the move? You can also throw a party for your best buds during the move itself. While you’re organizing and packing things away, you can invite some of your best friends to help you out with the move.

Put on some good music and order your favourite Chinese take-out. You’ll be amazed at how much easier and faster it is to pack when you’re surrounded by good friends.


5. Book Swap  

Specialty Balloon Printers Book Swap

A book swap party is just like a book club, except there’s probably more drinks, food, and fun. Sure, a book swap is still open to literary discussions, but the main point of this is to share a book that you love to someone else. It’s a great way to introduce new people to each other because what else are books but reflections of someone’s personality?

A book swap is a great way to find new books to read. You can see what other people are recommending and at it to your “must-read-list”. But more importantly, you’re recycling old books you’ve already used and making sure someone else is enjoying the same paperback you spent multiple hours with.


6. Clothes Swap  

Specialty Balloon Printers Clothes Swap

Throwing old clothes away doesn’t have to be a boring, laborious affair. Same with the book swap, you can just invite a couple of friends over (tell them to bring their own clothes, of course) for an all-night clothes swap party!

Clothes swapping is a great way to check your wardrobe and reevaluate your current closet size. The rule of thumb is to discard any item of clothing you haven’t worn in a year; if you haven’t looked at it in 12 months, chances are you won’t be wearing them any time soon.

A clothes swap party is also a great way to bond with your friends and freshen up your look without spending a single dollar. Those that don’t make the cut can be collected and donated to a charity afterwards.


7. Just Because  

Specialty Balloon Printers Just Because

We tend to think that parties should only exist in celebration of something. But this list proves that there’s always a valid reason to throw an awesome party. Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries are all valid reasons to throw a party, but who says day-to-day stuff isn’t worth celebrating?

At the end of the day, that’s precisely what makes parties fun: you’re memorializing one thing, enjoying it with good company, and making a great memory out of it. So whether or not you have something “important” going on, go ahead, throw a party just because it’s fun.


Specialty Balloon Printers – Your Party Partner

Need extra special balloons for your special day? Specialty Balloon Printers have tons of amazing balloons and balloon accessories for any party and occasion. We offer free shipping for orders $50 and above.

Get in touch with us today to get a quote on bulk orders and custom print balloon orders.




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